English & Creative Writing


  • PHD, SUNY Binghamton
  • MA, SUNY Binghamton
  • BA, Duke University

Associate Professor of English & Creative Writing

Contact Information

我写的许多故事都发生在马里兰州的东海岸, where I grew up on the Tuckahoe River, 周围是绵延数英里的玉米和大豆田. Since then, I’ve lived in North Carolina, California, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, with long periods spent in France, Italy, and England.

我喜欢在萨斯奎哈纳教书有很多原因, 其中之一就是我和我的配偶分享我的职位, Silas Zobal, also a writer. We write, teach, 并在弗里堡抚养两个孩子, a town four miles away from campus, 我们最终分享了很多生活(包括两只狗), three cats, chickens, bees, a garden, a woodshop, 还有一座建于一个多世纪前的房子,里面有学生.

I’m the director of FUSE, 这是一个全国性的本科生编辑组织,就在州立大学成立. 我们有一个非常活跃的分会,每周聚会一次. FUSE让我有机会和全国各地的学生一起旅行, 与其他作家和编辑建立联系, both students and professional.

我目前的一个写作项目叫做 The Woman and the White House. 这是一本关于工作的自传体小说的合集, writing, parenting, and active citizenship. I’m also a translator, from French to English, 我的项目包括一本西尔维·韦尔的小说, 以及西里尔·弗莱希曼的短篇小说集. 我和我的朋友林恩·巴勒莫(Lynn Palermo)合作翻译,她是苏大的法语教授.

My first book, Unfinished Stories for Girls这本由16个故事组成的合集于2014年5月由Fomite出版社出版. 你可以找到我写的其他作品 《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》, and elsewhere.










浩博体育app英语与创意写作助理教授(2009- 2015)




English Teacher, Saints Peter and Paul High School (1996-1997; 1998-2000)






Unfinished Stories of Girls, collection of short fiction. Burlington, Vermont: Fomite (2014).

Book Chapters

“The Short Fiction Workshop,” Creative Writing Guidebook, Co-written with Silas Zobal. Ed. Graeme Harper. London, UK: Continuum (2009).

Short Stories

《偷来的东西:从家里的女人.” Impost. Vol. 14 (Fall 2020): 23-24. Print. http://www.eapsu.org/Impost

《Of Monsters: From The Woman Of The House》.” Entropy (May 18, 2016). n. pag. Web. http://entropymag.org/of-monsters-from-the-woman-of-the-house/

“At the Mouth.” Drunken Boat. Vol. 14 (Summer/Fall 2011). n. pag. Web. http://www.drunkenboat.com/db14/2fic/dent/mouth.php

“Rise.” Harvard Review. Vol. 39 (Fall 2010): 16-24. Print.

“Flesh.” PANK. Vol 5 No 5. Web (May 2010): n. pag. Web. http://pankmagazine.com/piece/catherine-zobal-dent/

“Drunk.” The North American Review. Vol. 294 No 2 (Fall 2009): 15-17. Print.

“Wheels.” 别处:地方文学杂志 Vol 1 Issue 1 (Fall 2007): 42-48. Web.

“Perdurability.” EAPSU:批判性和创造性工作杂志 Vol 4 (Fall 2007): 64-72. Web. http://media.tripod.lycos.com/2845573/1478333.pdf

“Half Life.” Crab Orchard Review Vol 12 No 1 (Winter/Spring 2007): 5-15. Print.

“The Done For Man.” Louisville Review Issue 60 (Fall 2006): 57-67. Print.

“Thoughts That Wend Toward Love.” The MacGuffin Vol 23 No 1 (Fall 2006): 129-135. Print.

“The Hole in Backyard Park.” Echolocation Issue 4 (Fall 2005): 34-48. Print.

“There Is Smoke.” Portland Literary Review Vol 51 Issue 2 (Winter 2004): 7-15. Print.

“Be Content, Lost Queens.” Patterson Literary Review Issue 32 (Winter 2003): 231-232.


Short stories

西尔维·韦尔(Sylvie Weil)与林恩·巴勒莫(Lynn Palermo)合作翻译的《浩博体育app》(The Cadillac). World Literature Today Volume 92 No. 4 (July 2018). Print and web. http://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2018/july/cadillac-sylvie-weil (网络出版物包括由译者朗读的故事音频文件).

《浩博体育app》,作者:西里尔·弗莱希曼. Exhanges “Hysterium” Volume (Fall 2015). N. pag. Web http://exchanges.uiowa.edu/issues/hysterium/zalman-albetougs-beautiful-ideas/

Publications/Book Reviews and Essays

Book Review of Pieces for Small Orchestra by Norman Lock. Green Mountains Review. Vol. 24 No. 2 (Winter 2011): 259-262.

“Compostmodernism.” North American Review. Issue 294 No. 6 (Nov-Dec 2009): 48.

Media Appearances

Reviews of Unfinished Stories of Girls

Donnelly, Will. Green Mountains Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 2. September, 2014. Print.

Shaffer, Caryn. San Francisco Book Review. July 16, 2014. Web. http://citybookreview.com/unfinished-stories-of-girls/

Allen, Jill. Foreword Reviews. May 27, 2014. Web. http://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/unfinished-stories-of-girls/

“Unfinished Stories of Girls.” Kirkus Reviews. April 8, 2014. Print/Web. http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/catherine-zobal-dent/unfinished-stories-of-girls/


《浩博体育app》.” Braddock Avenue Books. June 3, 2015. Web. http://www.braddockavenuebooks.com/street-talk

《牡蛎壳、断骨和雪屋:与凯瑟琳·佐巴尔·登特的对话.” Hayden’s Ferry Review Blog. May 9, 2014. Web. http://haydensferryreview.blogspot.com/2014/05/oyster-shells-broken-bones-and-snow.html

“Proud and Professional SU Women.” Interview with Larell Scardelli. A Page of Her Own, Susquehanna Women’s Center Newsletter. Vol 5 Issue 1 (February 2013): 3-4.

“Ask the Author: Catherine Zobal Dent.” PANK. June 2010. Web. http://pankmagazine.com/2010/06/09/ask-the-author-catherine-zobal-dent/


Smith, Mackenzie. “你写完书后怎么卖??” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. March 3, 2014. Web. http://www.post-gazette.com/ae/books/2014/03/04/How-do-you-sell-that-book-after-you-have-written-it/stories/201403040041

助理教授朗读短篇小说集.” Daily Item. March 10, 2014.

“本地作家在DC书店朗读”.” Star Democrat. February 10, 2014. Print.

“当妈妈学会放手时,更多的父母会分担他们的工作量.” USA Today, News article. May 4, 2009.

“USA Today’s Jayson, Relationship Expert Allen, 和一对夫妇在Skype上讨论夫妻共同抚养孩子.” The Today Show, NBC. May 5, 2009.

Work in Progress

Dina, a novel.

坠落:一本关于阿巴拉契亚山径、聚酯纤维和美国梦的书, creative nonfiction.

Translation of Destiny’s Repairman,由西里尔·弗莱希曼(Cyrille Fleischman)撰写的短篇小说集. Lynn Palermo.


FUSE全国董事会执行董事和创始人. 2011-present.

Associate Editor: Fiction and Poetry, MLS. 2011-present.

Judge, Flash Fiction Contest. Hayden’s Ferry Review. Spring and Summer, 2014.


External Reviewer, Proteus: A Journal of Ideas. Shippensburg University. 2013-2014.

Reader, NeMLA Book Award. Fall, 2012.




Courses Taught

ENGL 100: Writing & Thinking

ENGL 200: Literature and Culture

ENGL 205: Living Writers

ENGL 265: Forms of Writing: Short Story

ENGL 265: Forms of Writing: Novel

WRIT 251: Introduction to Fiction

WRIT 270:小型新闻编辑和出版

WRIT 351:中级小说:短篇小说

WRIT 451: Advanced Fiction

WRIT 590: Independent Study

My book, Unfinished Stories for Girls, published by Fomite Press in 2014, 有16个故事,并附有我的同事安·派珀的作品. 《柯克斯评论》(Kirkus Reviews)写道,这本书“观察敏锐,充满抒情, 具有情感分量的唤起性的集合.”

我在研究生院的时候就开始发表文章了 《浩博体育app网站》《路易斯维尔评论, and Crab Orchard Review他在2006年获得了查尔斯·约翰逊学生小说奖. 从那以后,我一直在出版小说 《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app网站》、 and elsewhere.

我和别人合写了一章关于如何写短篇小说 Creative Writing Guidebook, edited by Graeme Harper.

我最近的爱好是把法语翻译成英语:我爱上了一位名叫西里尔·弗莱希曼的作家的作品. 我和我的同事林恩·巴勒莫完成了他的短篇小说集 Destiny’s Repairman, and we have started on a second book, Rendezvous at the Saint Paul Metro. 我最新的短篇小说呼应了弗莱希曼的渴望和幽默的视角. 其他的写作项目包括一本名为 Dina, 一本关于阿巴拉契亚山径的创造性非小说类书籍, 还有一本闪光的自传体小说暂称为 The Woman and the White House.

  • ENGL-205: Living Literature
  • ENGL-265: Forms of Writing: Short Story
  • ENGL-540: Internship
  • OFFP-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFR-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFR-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • OFFS-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFS-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • WGST-505: Independent Study
  • WRIT-200: Intro to Creative Writing
  • WRIT-251: Introduction to Fiction
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Fiction
  • WRIT-451: Adv Fiction: Short Story
  • WRIT-500: Independent Study
  • WRIT-520: Practicum
  • WRIT-540: Internship
  • WRIT-590: Departmental Honors

About Me

我写的许多故事都发生在马里兰州的东海岸, where I grew up on the Tuckahoe River, 周围是绵延数英里的玉米和大豆田. Since then, I’ve lived in North Carolina, California, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, with long periods spent in France, Italy, and England.

我喜欢在萨斯奎哈纳教书有很多原因, 其中之一就是我和我的配偶分享我的职位, Silas Zobal, also a writer. We write, teach, 并在弗里堡抚养两个孩子, a town four miles away from campus, 我们最终分享了很多生活(包括两只狗), three cats, chickens, bees, a garden, a woodshop, 还有一座建于一个多世纪前的房子,里面有学生.

I’m the director of FUSE, 这是一个全国性的本科生编辑组织,就在州立大学成立. 我们有一个非常活跃的分会,每周聚会一次. FUSE让我有机会和全国各地的学生一起旅行, 与其他作家和编辑建立联系, both students and professional.

我目前的一个写作项目叫做 The Woman and the White House. 这是一本关于工作的自传体小说的合集, writing, parenting, and active citizenship. I’m also a translator, from French to English, 我的项目包括一本西尔维·韦尔的小说, 以及西里尔·弗莱希曼的短篇小说集. 我和我的朋友林恩·巴勒莫(Lynn Palermo)合作翻译,她是苏大的法语教授.

My first book, Unfinished Stories for Girls这本由16个故事组成的合集于2014年5月由Fomite出版社出版. 你可以找到我写的其他作品 《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》, and elsewhere.

Professional Experience










浩博体育app英语与创意写作助理教授(2009- 2015)




English Teacher, Saints Peter and Paul High School (1996-1997; 1998-2000)






Unfinished Stories of Girls, collection of short fiction. Burlington, Vermont: Fomite (2014).

Book Chapters

“The Short Fiction Workshop,” Creative Writing Guidebook, Co-written with Silas Zobal. Ed. Graeme Harper. London, UK: Continuum (2009).

Short Stories

《偷来的东西:从家里的女人.” Impost. Vol. 14 (Fall 2020): 23-24. Print. http://www.eapsu.org/Impost

《Of Monsters: From The Woman Of The House》.” Entropy (May 18, 2016). n. pag. Web. http://entropymag.org/of-monsters-from-the-woman-of-the-house/

“At the Mouth.” Drunken Boat. Vol. 14 (Summer/Fall 2011). n. pag. Web. http://www.drunkenboat.com/db14/2fic/dent/mouth.php

“Rise.” Harvard Review. Vol. 39 (Fall 2010): 16-24. Print.

“Flesh.” PANK. Vol 5 No 5. Web (May 2010): n. pag. Web. http://pankmagazine.com/piece/catherine-zobal-dent/

“Drunk.” The North American Review. Vol. 294 No 2 (Fall 2009): 15-17. Print.

“Wheels.” 别处:地方文学杂志 Vol 1 Issue 1 (Fall 2007): 42-48. Web.

“Perdurability.” EAPSU:批判性和创造性工作杂志 Vol 4 (Fall 2007): 64-72. Web. http://media.tripod.lycos.com/2845573/1478333.pdf

“Half Life.” Crab Orchard Review Vol 12 No 1 (Winter/Spring 2007): 5-15. Print.

“The Done For Man.” Louisville Review Issue 60 (Fall 2006): 57-67. Print.

“Thoughts That Wend Toward Love.” The MacGuffin Vol 23 No 1 (Fall 2006): 129-135. Print.

“The Hole in Backyard Park.” Echolocation Issue 4 (Fall 2005): 34-48. Print.

“There Is Smoke.” Portland Literary Review Vol 51 Issue 2 (Winter 2004): 7-15. Print.

“Be Content, Lost Queens.” Patterson Literary Review Issue 32 (Winter 2003): 231-232.


Short stories

西尔维·韦尔(Sylvie Weil)与林恩·巴勒莫(Lynn Palermo)合作翻译的《浩博体育app》(The Cadillac). World Literature Today Volume 92 No. 4 (July 2018). Print and web. http://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2018/july/cadillac-sylvie-weil (网络出版物包括由译者朗读的故事音频文件).

《浩博体育app》,作者:西里尔·弗莱希曼. Exhanges “Hysterium” Volume (Fall 2015). N. pag. Web http://exchanges.uiowa.edu/issues/hysterium/zalman-albetougs-beautiful-ideas/

Publications/Book Reviews and Essays

Book Review of Pieces for Small Orchestra by Norman Lock. Green Mountains Review. Vol. 24 No. 2 (Winter 2011): 259-262.

“Compostmodernism.” North American Review. Issue 294 No. 6 (Nov-Dec 2009): 48.

Media Appearances

Reviews of Unfinished Stories of Girls

Donnelly, Will. Green Mountains Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 2. September, 2014. Print.

Shaffer, Caryn. San Francisco Book Review. July 16, 2014. Web. http://citybookreview.com/unfinished-stories-of-girls/

Allen, Jill. Foreword Reviews. May 27, 2014. Web. http://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/unfinished-stories-of-girls/

“Unfinished Stories of Girls.” Kirkus Reviews. April 8, 2014. Print/Web. http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/catherine-zobal-dent/unfinished-stories-of-girls/


《浩博体育app》.” Braddock Avenue Books. June 3, 2015. Web. http://www.braddockavenuebooks.com/street-talk

《牡蛎壳、断骨和雪屋:与凯瑟琳·佐巴尔·登特的对话.” Hayden’s Ferry Review Blog. May 9, 2014. Web. http://haydensferryreview.blogspot.com/2014/05/oyster-shells-broken-bones-and-snow.html

“Proud and Professional SU Women.” Interview with Larell Scardelli. A Page of Her Own, Susquehanna Women’s Center Newsletter. Vol 5 Issue 1 (February 2013): 3-4.

“Ask the Author: Catherine Zobal Dent.” PANK. June 2010. Web. http://pankmagazine.com/2010/06/09/ask-the-author-catherine-zobal-dent/


Smith, Mackenzie. “你写完书后怎么卖??” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. March 3, 2014. Web. http://www.post-gazette.com/ae/books/2014/03/04/How-do-you-sell-that-book-after-you-have-written-it/stories/201403040041

助理教授朗读短篇小说集.” Daily Item. March 10, 2014.

“本地作家在DC书店朗读”.” Star Democrat. February 10, 2014. Print.

“当妈妈学会放手时,更多的父母会分担他们的工作量.” USA Today, News article. May 4, 2009.

“USA Today’s Jayson, Relationship Expert Allen, 和一对夫妇在Skype上讨论夫妻共同抚养孩子.” The Today Show, NBC. May 5, 2009.

Work in Progress

Dina, a novel.

坠落:一本关于阿巴拉契亚山径、聚酯纤维和美国梦的书, creative nonfiction.

Translation of Destiny’s Repairman,由西里尔·弗莱希曼(Cyrille Fleischman)撰写的短篇小说集. Lynn Palermo.


FUSE全国董事会执行董事和创始人. 2011-present.

Associate Editor: Fiction and Poetry, MLS. 2011-present.

Judge, Flash Fiction Contest. Hayden’s Ferry Review. Spring and Summer, 2014.


External Reviewer, Proteus: A Journal of Ideas. Shippensburg University. 2013-2014.

Reader, NeMLA Book Award. Fall, 2012.




Courses Taught

ENGL 100: Writing & Thinking

ENGL 200: Literature and Culture

ENGL 205: Living Writers

ENGL 265: Forms of Writing: Short Story

ENGL 265: Forms of Writing: Novel

WRIT 251: Introduction to Fiction

WRIT 270:小型新闻编辑和出版

WRIT 351:中级小说:短篇小说

WRIT 451: Advanced Fiction

WRIT 590: Independent Study

Scholarly & Creative Works

My book, Unfinished Stories for Girls, published by Fomite Press in 2014, 有16个故事,并附有我的同事安·派珀的作品. 《柯克斯评论》(Kirkus Reviews)写道,这本书“观察敏锐,充满抒情, 具有情感分量的唤起性的集合.”

我在研究生院的时候就开始发表文章了 《浩博体育app网站》《路易斯维尔评论, and Crab Orchard Review他在2006年获得了查尔斯·约翰逊学生小说奖. 从那以后,我一直在出版小说 《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app》、《浩博体育app网站》、《浩博体育app网站》、 and elsewhere.

我和别人合写了一章关于如何写短篇小说 Creative Writing Guidebook, edited by Graeme Harper.

我最近的爱好是把法语翻译成英语:我爱上了一位名叫西里尔·弗莱希曼的作家的作品. 我和我的同事林恩·巴勒莫完成了他的短篇小说集 Destiny’s Repairman, and we have started on a second book, Rendezvous at the Saint Paul Metro. 我最新的短篇小说呼应了弗莱希曼的渴望和幽默的视角. 其他的写作项目包括一本名为 Dina, 一本关于阿巴拉契亚山径的创造性非小说类书籍, 还有一本闪光的自传体小说暂称为 The Woman and the White House.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL-205: Living Literature
  • ENGL-265: Forms of Writing: Short Story
  • ENGL-540: Internship
  • OFFP-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFR-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFR-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • OFFS-FRNC: French Language & Culture
  • OFFS-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • WGST-505: Independent Study
  • WRIT-200: Intro to Creative Writing
  • WRIT-251: Introduction to Fiction
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Fiction
  • WRIT-451: Adv Fiction: Short Story
  • WRIT-500: Independent Study
  • WRIT-520: Practicum
  • WRIT-540: Internship
  • WRIT-590: Departmental Honors